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0203 608 1913

SAM's own brands

A home brand directly from the manufacturer

We distinguish ourselves from our online competitors by always offering our own strong house brand in every online store, in addition to renowned brands. These brands guarantee quality at an affordable price.

Because we have both the production and the sale of these products in our own hands, you as a customer are better off. After all, it eliminates a middleman. It also means that we have all the knowledge of the products we sell. After all, we are their makers; who knows his products better than the producer himself?

For you, this means not only a favourable price, but also a higher service level. All knowledge about the products, the production method and its application is available, so we can always provide you with the right advice.

Another advantage of being both a seller and a producer is that we offer unprecedented possibilities for customised production. Higher print runs, custom-made, or customised printing: everything is possible. We have several modern production sites where we work to high quality standards with regard to process design in order to deliver a qualitatively stable end product from one to 1,000,000 copies.

Click on one of the brand names below to find out more.

sam creative
Professional quality, yet affordable.
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sam connect
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sam office
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